Englisch schreiben..

Dr Franke Ghostwriter

Ich hab bereits einen Business Englisch Kurs (A2/B1) absolviert, aber man vergisst sooo schnell wieder, zudem ich jetzt auch nicht der Englischprofi bin.

Ich denke am besten bleibt man drin, wenn man sprechen muss, aber auch schreiben!
Habt ihr Lust einfach mal einen englischen tread aufzumachen?

Also quasi wer, was, warum usw.

viele Grüße,
So why did you stop after the first word? By the way, reading books and watching movies does help too. So just start your favorite browser and ask Amazon or simply visit your local bookstore. Ken Follet or John Grisham seemed pretty easy to me. On the other hand I'm probably a bit beyond B1, so it's hard to tell for me. Childrens books mostly are even easier to read but they don't realy captivate me for long. And if you have some DVD just take a look on the cover for an english audio track. English subtitles are also supportive in unstarstanding the movie.
Yes i know that, but books in english are very difficult... last jear i tried to read a book from Donna Tard, but in the evening (by the way in my bed) it was not possible... too many words that i didn´t understand and my language-englishbook wasn´t a big help... same words wasn´t there!
I would like to see "How i meet your mother" in english! Its funny in german, but i think in real language its better.
it´s a pity that we can make an Englishcertifaction at the University.

But i hope we write (speak) a litte bit in that tread - may it will be help 🙂

Whats your favorite Holidayland?

Greetings! Caro
great idea! I'll participate as well.
It's important to understand the content and not every single word. Books for children, like Harry Potter, or specific ones for English learners either with explanations or bilingual are easier to understand. The shopaholic books are also ok. I know it's difficult in the beginning but when you proceed you will notice it's getting easier and faster. I'm unfortunately out of practice, but my next English book will be the Plague by Trudi Canavan.
I would love to travel once around the world 😀 I really don't have only one favorite country, but I like Italy, Finland, Norway, Switzerland, Denmark and China. What about you Caro?

Well, german is a real language too. 😉 Try original lagnuage. And I second the opinion, that understanding the meaning is more important than knowing every single word. You will get the meaning as time goes by.
As gnurki mentioned, there is literature specifically for learners. There are magazines in different languages. I'm only certain about the titles of the italian and the french version, which are "Adesso" and "Écoute". The english one may be "Spotlight", but I can't tell for sure. You should be able to find the publisher with the other titles though.
Traveling around the world could be nice, but since I always take some time in one region, that would probably last for years. I love Italy, although I do like the mediterranean area in general. On the other hand I love hiking in the alpes. Mallorca is great for hiking to. Whereas it is great to take your break on a mountain-top, cooling your feet in a bay between some mountains is fantastic too.
Thank you 🙂 That is was I meant "original language". Yes but some times I stumple about a word in a book and I must know what the meaning is.
Tomorrow I going to take a look in Amazon for a better book.

I like Mallorca too! But my favorite region is the Caribbean! In January last year my husband and i made our weddingholiday there! on board the Clubship AIDA we shipped around the beautiful islands like Sankt Marten, Tortola and Countrys like Jamaika or Dom. Rep! It was great and I hope we will go once again... maybe next year
No problem, we all make mistakes, as your signature sais. I won't correct every mistake since I don't want to break the flow of the conversation. And of course I'm neither a native speaker nor an english teacher.
Personally I prefer not to journey to far. I don't like to fly very much for different reasons. So I travel Europe most of the time. The closest I have come to the Caribbean was Key West. But I did like the west coast of the USA more than the south-east. If I leave the european continent again, it will probably either Russia or Australia/New Zealand. Sweden is a likely goal for this summer. A friend knows somone, who owns a cabin there.
Carribean was our first "so far" Trip in the wold! My partents-in-law has presented us as our wedding gift.
Our lovely country is Denmark. Malle is nice or Teneriffe sure Lanzarote but in Denmark you can right relax 🙂
The steady climate with sun and wind (and many between) is awesome! Grand Beaches without people (not in Juli/August but in June!) there you can walk and walk and walk and the wind blows cobwebs away...
Yes i heard Sweden is nice but you must go with the ship and Sweden is much expensive in Food. But i like swedenhouses.
When i go to USA, i must see New York! I dont know but i think it is on the eastcost, or? Have you ever seen the country?
I don't know how expensive Sweden is, but I have been in Oslo, so that probably won't realy shock me. And you can drive via the Great Belt Fixed Link and the Øresund Bridge, but that's quite a detour and probably more expensive than taking a ship.
Yes, NY as at the east coast. The most northbound city I've been on the east cost is Orlando I think. That's about a thousand miles south of New York I think. The landscape was fabulous in the west: Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Yosemite National Park, Sequoia National Park and so on. San Francisco and San Diego were the towns I liked most. Los Angeles and Las Vegas are a must see, but beautiful is a word I wouldn't use in the description.
Are you a fan of the american way of life?
My friend was in Las Vegas and has said that´s a fantastic city to play and eat 🙂 All-you- can-eat for 6 $ and play on one-arm-bandits! She won 300 $ ! I think German and American people have diffent mentalities. In my opinion we are very "öko", since 1970 (maybe later or earlier) we talked about "Atomausstieg". American People haven´t that awareness. Last month Mr. Omaba said that America has not enough oil, what can we do? And the reason was "We must tried to found more oil! we must go deeper in the earth etc." Not sun or wind or other things.... oil is the reason.
Well, I thought of the american way more on the line of a nationalist ethos and less on some ecological thinking. That may influence their view on ecology, in a way that the well being of the US is more important than some birds in the gulf of mexico. Sometimes it is mixed with the religious misbelief to be the chosen living in god's own country. What I don't like is some Americans conviction of their superiority that must be brought to "uncivlised" states, even if it is on the tip of a sword.
The german view on ecology is someitems quite romantic and on the opposite extreme, even reestablishing animals in areas where they haven't lived for some decades or forfeiting progress for some idealistic view of nature. Sometime a more pragmatic view would do us good.
For example the usage of solar energy isn't always that clean. For the production of photovoltaic cells ressources are used, which are similiar devastating for nature as the more invasive forms of oil production. I don't want to say, that using pv is bad, but I think things like that often are simply ignored in the discussion.
Of course the production of photovoltatic consumed also ressources, but i think at long date naturalenergy will be the winner - they never going to die.
I wish you a sunny happy weekend
This seems to be an interesting threat and I will try to reanimate it!
Carolin, if you want to watch "How I met your mother" in English just give it a try! If you already know the story and the characters (and I bet you will...) it is going to be much easier and will help you a lot with your English skills. After I started to watch "South Park" in English for the first time my English improved a lot! Well, basically I learned a lot of swear-words... 😉
I can also recommend www.lang-8.com which is a great community where you can write texts in a foreign language and native speakers of this language will correct (and maybe comment) it for you. In return, you should sometimes correct texts from German-learners.
And maybe you don't know dict.leo.org yet which is (in my mind) an essential English-German online dictionary. Sometimes I would be lost without it!

So far so good... Hope someone's going to continue
okay i already know the characters and the story i will give it a try 🙂
Just now (since 5 minutes) I am a member of lang-8! But in 4 weeks i will write my Klausuren and unfortunately i have no time for the nice languagesite at the moment... but i hope it will be better after the klausuren 🙂
i know leo org and dicct. I also know google translate, but i think the last site is difficult. the tool translate not the sence but only the words...